Online Technicians Leadership: leading yourself and your team

26 September 2024
09:00 - 15:00
Type: Online event

This is one of 3 online technician leadership modules delivered by Simon Quinnell CSciTeach. 



This one day course will be delivered using Zoom, and will include group work/discussion and power-point slides. Participants will need access to a PC, or laptop or tablet / ipad type device, with audio (speaker plus microphone).

A pre-course task with some interactive leadership style tests will be circulated, along with slides for discussion

• 0900 - 1030 - Leading Yourself: A look at what makes a good leader and manager. Evaluating your strengths and areas for development as a leader and a manager of a technical service

• 1100 - 1230 - Managing Yourself and Your team. What is your vision for yourself and your team and what do you want to achieve? We will explore time management techniques and how to deploy and develop others successfully, as well as how to resolve issues in a team.

• 1330 - 1500 - Developing Effective Change Management and selling the importance of your technical service

This one-day course forms part 1 of 3 parts of the ASE Technicians Leadership Programme and it’s the first step in developing your leadership skills to change and improve how you lead and manage your technical service for the benefit of students and staff. The day will explore what makes effective leadership and management, help you to evaluate your own leadership strengths and areas for development, support you to develop a vision for your technical service and how you sell the importance of technicians to your school, look at how to manage your time more effectively, examine ways to develop and deploy your team and how you can implement successful change management.

Whilst they are part of a series of Leadership modules, each module can be taken individually as many technicians opt to choose those particular topics that are most relevant to their career development.

Please keep an eye on the ASE website for the most up to date details or in the case of queries, please email

The remaining 2 days of the Technicians Leadership Programme are:

• Working with and training others

• Organising your technical service