Science Teacher Education Submission Guidelines
Science Teacher Education (STE) is a purposeful online space that is committed to capturing the perspectives of science teacher educators, experienced teachers, trainee teachers and the international community. We welcome all voices to contribute their experiences and thinking about current issues in science teacher education. This includes initial teacher education (ITE) and continuous professional development (CPD).
STE Online Hub: Guidelines for contributions
We are keen to include a diverse range of contributions (e.g. interviews, blogs, podcasts). We are especially interested to see contributions that go beyond a description of practice. Your experiences of, research in, or thinking about current issues in science teacher education could be shared as:
- Opinion pieces on current topics (e.g. the role of Lead Mentors in ITE) (written)
- Interviews (written OR podcasts)
- Insights into impact on practice (written OR podcasts)
- Reflective journeys of professional learning ( e.g. as a trainee, experienced teacher, mentor, lead mentor)
- Debates (written OR podcasts)
- Articles on pedagogy and professional learning in science education (ITE or CPD)
Please submit your contribution (or idea for a contribution) using this form:
If you would like to contribute to the STE online hub, but you are not sure what form this could take and would like some support please use the form above to send us:
- The title of the piece
- A short abstract (200 words) that outlines the main points of your piece
If you have an article that would like to submit, please use the following guidelines:
- Please include a title
- Please include short abstract (200 words) that outlines the main points
- Please provide an e-mail address for the main author – where you can be contacted.
- Typed, double-spaced as one single Word document, with diagrams, tables and figures arranged in the text as the author wishes to see them. Colour photographs can be included in the word document or sent as separate JPeg file
- If you are using references, please use the ASE house style (below are examples of this):
For a paper from a journal:
Boylan, M., Adams, G., Perry, M. & Booth, J. (2023) ‘Re-imagining transformative professional learning for critical teacher professionalism: a conceptual review’, Professional Development in Education, 49, (4), 651–669
From a book:
Harlen, W. (2010) Principles and Big Ideas of Science Education. Hatfield: Association for Science Education
From a chapter in a book:
Bell, D. & Darlington, H. (2018) ‘Educational neuroscience and the brain: some implications for our understanding of learning and teaching’. In Serret, N. & Earle, S. (Eds). ASE Guide to Primary Science Education, Hatfield: Association for Science Education
From an electronic source:
Department for Education (2022, April) Changes to statutory induction for early career teachers (ECTs).
Available at:
We are looking for pieces between 1500-2000 words that include:
- An introduction that sets the context
- An overview of the focus/approach/method
- A discussion of key findings or findings to date
- A conclusion that points to implications for practice and policy in science teacher education
If you interested in participating in a podcast for the STE Hub, we would love to hear from you. You can also use the form below to submit your idea or interest.
Podcast Guidelines:
- The editor will arrange a time that suits you to record.
- Podcasts are recorded via teams and then edited by ASE.
- Generally, we are looking for podcast to be between 15 – 30 minutes long.
- You will meet with the Editor before recording to discuss questions and topics beforehand. This also allows you a chance to ask any question you may have.
- Please wear a headset when recording and ensure that you are in a quiet place with no background noise where possible.
- While recording if you make a mistake or want to change your response, don’t worry! Please just pause for 2-3 seconds and then start again (it is helpful if when you start speaking again you start you sentence from the beginning even if this means repeating your previous sentence. This helps with editing.)
- You will be sent a copy of the edited podcast to listen to before it is posted.
- Please note STE Hub is a not open access so please if sharing, use links that directly link to the STE Hub.