
ASE's journals are a must-read for science education professionals in the UK and beyond. We publish the latest news, policy and research from the sector. Many of our resources are required for Education Programmes and those training to become science teachers. 

The ASE offers subscriptions to all its journals to university libraries and other educational institutions. This enables all university library users to gain online access to high-quality journal content via IP address through ASE's Journal Hub or via Shibboleth.



We aspire to be as accessible as possible and despite The Association for Science Education not being a ‘public body’ and as such not required to comply specifically with the Accessibility Regulations 2018, we are as a respected charity fully aware of our Social, Environmental and Regulatory obligations as an open and fully inclusive organisation. We do therefore comply in ways appropriate to our size and nature and will always entertain requests from members and stakeholders which assist in the communications processes whether via the website or through other channels.

Subscription Options


If you deal with multiple libraries, we've made subscription management easier. 


We offer flexible subscription options and rates depending on whether you want to receive print copies with online access or online access only subscriptions.

Our 2025 rates can be accessed below. 

Institutional Access

We're making it easier for library users to access our research archives with IP addess or Shibboleth access options.


ASE Journals

ASE International

No longer produced but available as an archive resource. An online only journal collating research in science education from an international perspective.

Education in Science

No longer produced, but available as an archive resource. ASE's in house journal with education news and features.

Journal of Emergent Science

This free access online journal explores educational research focused on children aged 0-11.

Primary Science

Ideas that support effective practice focused at the primary school level through transition to early secondary education.

School Science Review

A highly regarded, peer-reviewed periodical for all those with an interest in science education for ages 11-19.

Science Teacher Education

Now an online hub, available for individual ASE members. Available as archive for libraries. For all concerned with the pre-service education, induction and professional development of science teachers.