Our Staff
Lynn Ladbrook - Chief Executive

As its CEO, Lynn works closely with the Board of Trustees, Chair Trio and Education Group to set the strategic direction of the Association and ensure it achieves its mission and purpose as set out the Royal Charter.
Head Office Staff
Marianne Cutler - Director, Policy and Curriculum Innovation
Marianne has overall responsibility for curriculum support and projects. She works closely with ASE committees and manages professional development projects.
Vicki Parry - Interim Director, Professional Learning and Development
In this role, Vicki's primary purpose will be to lead on the development and delivery of a comprehensive and impactful learning and continuing professional development (CPD) programme for ASE members and the wider science education community.
Olivia Hill - Director, Communications
Olivia has responsibility for leading on all internal and external communications, marketing and member and stakeholder engagement activities.
Kirstie Hogan - Communications and Content Officer
Kirstie is responsible for managing our social media content, graphic design, newsletter production, website editing and more.
Laura Rafferty - Director, Finance & Operations
Laura oversees the overall financial management of of the ASE including budgeting, management accounts, cost control and income generation, cash flow forecasts, risk review & insurance. Laura is also ASE's lead on HR for the organisation.
Angela Buckland - Conferences & Events Manager
Angela manages the larger ASE conferences as well as the Annual Conference, and has over 14 years experience of managing science CPD events. She works closely with the committees to promote ASE events and supports a variety of projects.
Will Hoole - Publications Coordinator
This role is responsible for ASEs journals - Primary Science, School Science Review, Science Teacher Education Online Hub and Journal of Emerging Science. The role also liaises with our library subscribers.
Jane Hanrott - Copy Editor and Proofreader
Jane copy edits and proofs a number of our resources and journals.
Deepa Davies - Head of Finance
Deepa has more than 10 years’ experience of working in the financial sector. She is responsible for all the necessary financial procedures to ensure income and expenditure are properly recorded on a day-to-day basis.
Rob Butler CSciTeach - Projects Lead and Registrar
Rob leads on our Wolfson funded "Keeping Science Practical" project - supporting schools in difficult circumstances in their provision of high quality practical science education. Rob taught secondary science for over twenty years in both mainstream and special education settings and has also previously supported schools across the region as part of the local authority and continues to do this with partners of the ASE. Rob is also our Professional Registers Registrar.
Melanie Bennett - Events & Regional Outreach Officer
Melanie is responsible for supporting the delivery of ASE's regional and national events. She works closely with our English Regional Committees to support our local community of ASE members.