2025 ASE Annual Conference at the University of Nottingham
The ASE Annual Conference in 2025 will be hosted by the University of Nottingham at their University Park Campus.
The ASE’s Annual Conference is the UK’s largest science education conference gathering together science educators from across the education spectrum. The three days include over 250 sessions with keynotes, speakers and workshops, along with a fantastic exhibition of science education organisations and resource suppliers, social events and more. In the meantime, get inspired by the pictures from the 2024 Conference.......
Last year's attendees said...
'Excellent sessions. Came away 'buzzing'.
'The variety of sessions available, it was difficult to choose which to go to!'
'Excellent CPD opportunities, networking and sharing best practice.'
'First time - should have gone a long time ago.'
'It gave me more confidence and stimulated my interest in my work.'
'The people are all really friendly and welcoming. There was a real buzz in the air and the three days flew by!'
‘Really practical and useful tips for improving my job.’
The AC25 Programme is now available for viewing
Thanks to the ASE Committees, the timetable for the 2025 Conference is now available on Sched here
The themes underpinning the sessions are: Using AI (Artificial Intelligence) to deliver the science curriculum, Assessment, Curriculum and New Teaching Approaches, Inclusion and Diversity including SEND, Practical Work, Professional Journeys, Research, Sustainability, Climate Change and Environmental Issues, Wellbeing and Effective Working Practices, Other.
Conference sessions will be delivered in 5 main buildings, in close priximity to each other: Coates / Pope / Engineering and Science Learning / Chemistry / Physics. Evening socials will take place in Trent building. Please see the Delegate map under the Files tab below for orientation!
Suppliers Exhibition and Sponsorship
The Exhibition takes place in Pope Building at the University of Nottingham, in two rooms opposite each other - A13 and A14 which are of equal size. The linked PDFs detail the floor plan for each of the rooms. Spaces marked Res are already reserved for sponsors (organisations entering into sponsorship contracts have priority choice).
Exhibitors floor plan (can also be found under the Files link below)
Registration and a pop-up coffee shop with light refreshments, takes place in A15.
Please review the exhibition floor plans either on the above link or by viewing the PDFs under the Files tab below, and apply for your stand by completing the form here. The minimum size stand is 2m x 1m which will provide each booth with 2 full conference passes for the 3 days of Conference included in the price. Stands can increase in size in 1m units - each additional square metre will include an additional staff member to manage the stand. Someone will be in touch as soon as possible.
For queries please email conferences@ase.org.uk
Schools' Exhibition applications now open
Schools are encouraged to join our lively, relaxed Schools’ Exhibition on Saturday 11th January from 11:15 for a couple of hours, as part of our flagship Annual Conference 2025. This session is about networking with other science educators who present a science or STEM project happening in their classrooms or local STEM clubs, within an informal setting, encouraging the sharing of best practice to inspire engagement.
Each school will be provided with a table to display any resources, photos and student work, with the aim of showing how motivating and useful their science project has been for their students. One or two teachers from each school are invited to provide a display including artefacts or posters and talk about their project. There is no charge for any school/teacher taking part (maximum 2 per school) and participants receive one full, free day-place on the Saturday, enabling valuable professional learning opportunities during the day, along with a free visit to the suppliers’ exhibition which has exclusive offers for delegates.
The full conference programme will be published in September, where participants can view a wealth of professional learning and science education networking opportunities across all 3 days of the annual conference, along with links for booking tickets for all days of the conference.
Schools’ Exhibition bookings are open now, and those interested in participating should complete the link here in the first instance – someone will be in touch in autumn term nearer the time with fuller advice. For queries please email conferences@ase.org.uk
John Barker Award - applications now open
Thanks to the generosity of one of our long-standing supporters and members John Barker, we are able to offer three trainees a bursary of up to £150 to cover the cost of travel and/or accommodation at ASE Annual Conference '25. To apply, please submit your application using our online form. Please include details of where you are doing your ITE course, and up to 200 words outlining how you believe attending ASEConf2025 will benefit your teaching and professional learning. Applications must be received by Sunday 10th November 2024. Applicants will be informed by end of November 2024. Successful applicants will be asked to write a small article for the ASE website in the Spring of 2025, telling everyone how they found the ASE annual conference experience beneficial to their teaching.