Primary Science Assessment (PLAN)

The PLAN primary science resources are developed to support the planning and assessment of science in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage and National Curriculum in England: Science Programmes of Study for Key Stages 1 and 2.
The majority of the PLAN resources are available, free of charge, on their own dedicated website – However, ASE members have exclusive access to a number of additional resources.
The PLAN primary science resources include:
- resources that support subject leaders and early years teachers to introduce children to the foundational knowledge of science in the EYFS that will enable them to be well-placed to access the National Curriculum at Key Stage 1
- knowledge and working scientifically matrices that provide additional guidance that clarifies the statements for each year-group in Key Stages 1 and 2 of the National Curriculum
- examples of work that meet the expectations of the knowledge statements for each topic from each year-group in Key Stages 1 and 2 of the National Curriculum that support teachers to assess their pupils consistently
- progression documents from Nursery to Year 6 in:
- the vocabulary for science
- the links between the topics taught in different year-groups
- the development of the working scientifically skills
- CPD resources that can be delivered by schools to their own teachers to develop and support the teaching of science.
ASE members have exclusive access to additional examples of work for each year-group in Key Stages 1 and 2 which can be downloaded below...
(Age 5-6) - Three examples of work (With links to further resources on the PLAN website)
(Age 6-7) - Three examples of work (With links to further resources on the PLAN website)
(Age 7-8) - Five examples of work (With links to further resources on the PLAN website)
(Age 8-9) - One example of work (With links to further resources on the PLAN website)
(Age 9-10) - Six examples of work (With links to further resources on the PLAN website)
(Age 10-11) - One example of work (With links to further resources on the PLAN website)
Additional CPD and Matrices available via the Millgate website