Updated in 2022, this growing collection of resources, specially curated by our post-16 specialists, feature fully updated versions of the classic SATIS series...

Stillwater Resovoir
This unit is based on the roles played by geological experts and others when a new reservoir is being planned, students are asked to take on the roles of participants in a real debate after they have been given data which is as realistic as possible...

The retrial of Galileo
The aim of this piece of classroom drama - based on Galileo's 1633 appearence before the inquisition - is to illustrate how difficult it is to understand a new theory or to overturn an old theory which has become a part of society’s way of thinking...

Life Support
This is suitable for use quite early in biology courses, and might be linked to a study of homeostasis or more generally following a discussion of what students perceive as ‘life’, or a consideration of how an unconscious person, on life support, can still be considered as possessing ‘life’.

What if...?
From an early age, many young people delight in fantasising and exploring new situations in their imaginations. This unit can build on this by encouraging students to imagine what the world would be like if various scientific facts or relationships were to change...

Death to aphids
This unit is intended for specialist biology and for environmental science courses. The unit includes a data handling activity using results from a research project and an opportunity for practical work on the predation of aphids by hoverfly larvae...

Two games and the nature of science
The games in this unit can provide a stimulus to encourage students to reflect on relationships between observations, experiments and theories in science...