Secondary link directory

The resources linked to in this directory have been curated by members of the Association for Science Education's 11-19 committee and have been selected as having particular relevance for educators of the 11-19 age group. The intention is for this to be a living, breathing collection of resources so if you are an educator of students in the 11-19 age range and have suggestions for additions please share them either by email ( or through Twitter via either the #ASEChat hashtag or by calling out @TheASE.
Also, please note that these are all resources hosted by external organisations, and while the ASE's 11-19 committee have highlighted all as having educational value, we have no control over the content and make no guarantees over its accuracy. As always, utmost care and attention should be taken when undertaking any science-based activities outside of a controlled classroom environment..

- 10 ways to teach and learn while school are closed
Royal Society of Chemistry
A series of tips on how to naviagte the prospect of teaching from home.
- Explorify
An award-winning selection of primary-focused resources on numerous science-based subjects from ASE friends Explorify (free sign-up)
- Science@Home
The Royal Society
A number of resources, activities and videos that could be used to support teachers and parents while children are currently learning from home. These resources are free to download or view and no sign-up is required.
- Brian Cox School Experiments
The Royal Society
These videos illustrate a range of science related careers and show how science relates to real life. Although some of the experiments are aimed at primary schools, the "real life" and "research" videos would be a useful resource to for year 7 or 8 students working at home.
- Best Evidence Science Teaching
Hundreds of diagnostic questions to reveal students' misunderstandings, response activities to promote understanding, progression toolkits to develop key concepts, and subject maps for curriculum planning. All developed from research evidence by the University of York Science Education Group, and all FREE to download thanks to the Salters' Institute and STEM Learning.
- #Fieldworklive
Field Studies Council
The Field Studies Council have been running a series live field work lessons hosted by Encounter Edu and led by their expert field tutors. These sessions are available to watch on catch-up and have accompanying resources.
- Virtual Science
Virtual Science Ltd (commercial)
A suite of interactive digial experiments - such as a "virtual physics laboratory" (payment required).
- Science and Plants for Schools online ecology practicals
This abundance and random sampling activity for post-16 studentsprovides the opportunity to carry out field work online through the use of close-up photos of the quadrats.
- Teach From Home
Google have created a temporary hub of information and tools to help teachers during the coronavirus crisis.
- Distance Learning Advice
Government Of Wales
Lots of helpful advice on distance learning for teachers in Wales (or elsewhere). There is also a comprehensive collection of of resources suitable for delivering distance learning for use by teachers in Wales (but still useful for teachers elsewhere) that can be found here.
- Flashy Science
Flashy Science
A website, supported by the University Of Sheffield, that offers a series of virtual experiments that "allow you to explore physics and engineering, and refine your scientific skills in an interactive environment."
- Malmesbury Education
Clearly presented videos showing GCSE biology, chemistry and physics required practicals along with a selection of A-level practicals as well, created and hosted by Malmesbury School - recipients of the Platinum Science Mark in 2018.
- Peter Wothers Christmas Lectures
The Royal Institution
Watch Peter Wothers as he unpicks the chemistry of the world around us - looking at air, water and earth - in a series of three lectures.
- The Science Geeks
Welcome to the world of science geeks! Informative revision videos galore for science fans young and old alike! Spread the word of the geeks!
- OUP Secondary School Resources
Oxford University Press (Commercial)
OUP have made large tranche of their workbook resources available for free download during the current Covid-19 outbreak... the science-specfic resources are at the bottom of this page, featuring KS3, GCSE and (pre-) A level packs.
- How to support your students’ learning remotely
Collaborat -ED
Another selection of tips and advice on teaching remotely
- Fuse School
A wide range of short and easy to follow videos that cover topics across Biology, Chemistry and Physics
- Supporting schools during COVID-19
Institute Of Physics
The IOP's impressive collection of educational resources is currently being repurposed to focus on learning from home.
- Endeavour
Kew Gardens
The digital learning platform of the world's pre-eminent botanical gardens has a wealth of key-stage categorised resources (registration required)
- GCSEPod Free Resources
GCSEPod (Commercial)
Online education portal GCSEPod - recently awarded ASE Green tick accreditation - have a host of free resources available for non-sucribers alongside their commercial offering
- Free Science Lessons
Comprehensive videos covering a wide range of GCSE and A Level topics
- Suggested lectures for Sixth Form students
Gresham College
These recorded lectures could be useful to post- 16 students to add 'stretch and challenge' to their learning. The lectures could also be useful to students working towards an EPQ (Extended Project Qualification).
- Practical Action
The international development organisation has a schools hub featuring an expansive list of activities and worksheets that could potentially be adapted for a remote-educator situation
- Gorilla Physics
A comprehensive catalogue of videos about GCSE and A Level Physics modules
- Primrose Kitten
Youtube Channel
An overwhelmingly comprehensive (in a good way) collection of Science and Maths video assets created/curated by a passionate London science teacher. The videos are free, and there is also a collection of paid-for guides and content on the Primrose Kitten website
- Physics Online
Youtube Channel
Another hugely impressive YouTube offering - this time from physics teacher Lewis Matheson, who will be holding daily GCSE and A level physics lessons at 10am (with a wealth of supporting assets and worksheets also available). Like Primrose Kitten, Lewis also has a website which features even more subject specific video content (subscription fee).
- TeachIt Science Free Subscription
TeachIt (Commercial)
The company beinhd this impressive collection of KS3-4 Biology, Chemistry and Physics resources are generously offering free membership - with download access to its adaptable Word documents, PowerPoints, Whiteboard activities and scheme of work planner - until the end of April
- Resouces @ CogSciSci
CogSciSci is a grassroots group of teachers and other education professionals looking to promote the use of cognitive science in school science teaching, and has curated a useful list of resources (some of which may be featured elsewhere in this directory)
- GCSE Home School Activities
David Chalk (science teacher)
Another fantasic collection of GCSE resources generously shared via Google Drive by Twitter user @teacherchalky1. A set of clear and straightforward sheets covering a range of topics.
- School Closure Resources
Gemma Singleton (Science teacher)
This time it's a set of in-school resources kindly shared with the educator community none other than the RSB's reigning teacher of the year @MrsSingleton. A good series of slides for revision or practice at home. Simple calculation questions and other cloze technique. Builds on underpinning knowledge, but not problem solving and generalisation to other contexts.
- A-level chemistry in perspective
A full online text book for A Level and IB Chemistry.
- Step by Step Science
An extensive catalogue of videos that break down Chemistry and Physics topics step by step
- ChemTube 3D
University of Liverpool
Animations and structures of substances and reaction that are suitable for post-16 students.
- Essential Chemical Industry online
Full of details of important reactions in the chemical industry.
- DrAPhysics
A series of videos to aid pupils' revision of GCSE and A Level Physics topics
- Knockhardy Publishing
Comprehensive A-level Chemistry presentations, worksheets and other resources.The resources are divided into small topic areas and so are still useful even though written for an older specification.
- MaChemGuy
Comprehensive coverage of the OCR A (H432) A Level Chemistry specification. These useful quick revision videos could be helpful to students studying other specifications too.
- The Science Teacher
A wide range of carefully thought out resources, with references to academic studies.
- Lammas Science
A collection of video resources for students and teachers from the Lammas Science Department
- Catalogue of online simulations
Google Drive
A huge catalogue of online simulations for Chemistry and Physics compiled by Helen Reynolds.
- Molecular workbench
The Concord Consortium
Well-produced biology, chemistry and physics simulations which could be used to help explain a range of concepts.

- ExpeRimental
The Royal Institution
A series of short films making it fun, easy and cheap to do science experiments at home with your children.
- Linneaus at Home
The Linnean Society
The Linnean Society has published a freely downloadable book with lots of ideas for parents to support their children exploring nature.
- What's in my tray - Science
Gratnells (Commercial)
A fantastic selection of simple experiments and activities (many of which can be done at home) brought to you by leading science education equipment provider Gratnells - a long-standing friend of the association any ASE conference attendee will be more than familiar with!
- Kitchen Science - Guest Post by Dr Jo Science Solutions
The World Is Their Classroom (blog)
A serties of fun and thought-provoking ideas for a guest blog post put together by qualified teacher and research scientist (and ASE member!) Jo Montgomery
- Youth STEM Matters
Youth STEM 2030
Youth STEM Matters creates a platform for young people to share their research, ideas and innovations with the world, by allowing them to get their scientific project work published in a peer reviewed journal! Get involved by writing and submitting a STEM article or project, or, if you want to gain new skills and volunteer from home, join their team of volunteers!
- #ScienceFromHome
A hashtag created by primary science specialist Dr Sarah Bearchell that is quickly gaining traction on Twitter
- Introductions to global change topics
Aspen Global Change Science And Solutions
For anyone looking for science content for learning at home, AGCI's education page offers introductions to global change topics, with journal activities for further thought
- EcounterEdu
A one-stop-shop for teachers, parents and students to explore distance learning through free live lessons, downloadable curriculum-aligned resources, STEAM activities, subject updates and multimedia.
- Learn At Home With Youtube - Science
A currently somehwat limited (given the amount of money they have!) curated collection of channels, videos and playlits related to science education.
- 10 nature activities for kids if you're self-isolating at home
The Woodland Trust
The Woodland Trust has pulled together some simple, nature-based activities you can enjoy together at home or in your garden.
- The Science Museum
Google Stories Collection
As an alternative to the excellent main Science Museum website, this curated collection of online exhibits brings together digital assets to tell the stories of a series of exhibits based in the main museum.
- London Curriculm Resources
Greater London Authority
As part of a a free programme that takes inspiration from the city’s people, places and history to make the national curriculum more tangible for students, the GLA have produced nine STEM units for secondary schools that are free to download.
- Chester Zoo Learning Resources
Chester Zoo
The fantastic education team at Chester Zoo have pulled together a comprehensive list of digital and at-home resources
- Science Sparks
An excellent blog dedicated to helping even very young children enjoy science at home with super a lis of simple science activities - many of which have been featured in the ASE Primary Science journal.
- Wildlife Activity Sheets
Sussex Wildlife Trust
A series of illustrated activity sheets to help children encourage wildlife at home, create nature-inspired artwork or even identify wildlife that you have spotted.
- Stop The Spread
CREST Discovery Awards
A project to teach children to design and build a handwashing device for a school in Kenya - initially released as part of the Discovery Awards (you'll find links to more resources on that page too)
- British Science Week packs
British Science Association
A series of three age-group specfic general science packs featuring ideas and activities based on the theme "Our Diverse Planet".
- Mathschase
A collection of simple, customisable maths learning games which children can play at home - geared very much towards early years primary.
- The Linnean Society at Home
The Linnean Society
A hub page featuring a wealth of activities and information on biological science
- Zooniverse
"the world’s largest and most popular platform for people-powered research," Zooniverse is website for crowd citizen science projects - where researchers ask the general public to assist them in gathering data.
- Corona Help
The Curiosity Box
A curated collection of Coronavirus-specific content such as videos and Q&As brought together by science resource suppliers The Curiosity Box.
- Andrew Szydlo's Royal Institution lectures
Andrew Szydlo's Royal Institution lectures (Chemistry)
Another collection of videos - this time curated by physics teacher (and ASE member) Maria Kettle. No clues as to what the subject matter might focus on :-)
- Scitunes
Developed by science teacher Jonny Berliner in conjunction with the Stephen Hawking foundation, this website features five brilliant music videos covering key stage 4 Physics, along with downloadable worksheets to.
- SchoolPhysics
With over 3,000 pages, this website created by long-term ASE member Keith Gibbs offers simple explanations and diagrams covering a wealth of key physics concepts, categorised by pupil age.

- Guides to support schools
An absolutely essential collection of three key guides (and a wealth of resources) that every science educator should familiarise themselves with
YouTube - SSERC
An incredibly useful series of video guides created by the Scottish Schools Education Research Centre
- Free courses for teachers and student teachers
The Open University
A selection of free, short Open University courses aimed at supporting initial teacher education, teacher professional development and classroom practice
- e-Bug Learning
Public Health England
A particularly timely one, this online CPD course was developed by PHE and the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (BSAC) for teachers/educators, and others who work with children or young people. It is focused on helping educators to learn more about important health topics and increase their knowledge, skills and confidence in using the e-Bug resources, which tie into efforts to reduce the spread of infections and antibiotic resistance in the UK.
- Online courses for teachers
Royal Society of Chemistry
All RSC online teacher CPD resources are free until the end of August 2020 and include courses to develop subject understanding and pedagogical content knowledge on a range of chemistry topics.
- Support for Physics teaching
Institute of Physics
A range of resources and support for teachers who are either new to teaching physics or wishing to develop their exisiting skills in a range of physics topics.
- Whats in my tray - CPD Workshops
Gratnells (commercial)
Always one of the most popular strands at the ASE annual conference, Science Ed equipment provider Gratnells have pulled together many of assets from their various workshops at recent ASE events (with this year's Reading content coming soon)