Please ensure you are logged in if you would like to save your progress and come back to it later. Thank you for your interest in applying to become part of one of the ASE committees or specialist interest groups. please complete the form below to apply. Notes: Term of office will be for three years commencing on the 1st August and normally meeting three times a year online. Most meetings are evenings, starting around 6pm or Saturday mornings. You can read more about each of the committees on our committeess information page. Deadline for applications for August 2025 start, is Sunday 8th June 2025. Please select committee you are applying for: * - Select -Trustee BoardQuality and Audit CommitteeEducation GroupPrimary Science Education Committee11-19 Science Education CommitteeTeacher Developers CommitteeHealth and Safety Specialist GroupPublications CommitteePrimary Science Editorial BoardSchool Science Review Editorial BoardPolicy Specialist GroupAnnual Conference Organising GroupResearch in Science Specialist GroupScience Laboratory Technicians CommitteeConference Organising GroupRegion 1 North East Supporters GroupRegion 2 Cymru CommitteeRegion 3 North West CommitteeRegion 4 Yorkshire and the Humber CommitteeRegion 5 London CommitteeRegion 7 West Midlands CommitteeRegion 8 Scotland CommitteeRegion 9 Souther Counties CommitteeRegion 10 Berks and Oxs CommitteeRegion 11 Northen Ireland CommitteeRegion 12 Home Counties CommitteeRegion 13 West of England CommitteeRegion 14 South West CommitteeRegion 16 North East Midlands CommitteeRegion 17 South East CommitteeRegion 18 NE London and Essex CommitteeRegion 19 Surrey and Sussex Committee Nominee details Title - None -DrMissMrMrsMsMxProf.BaronessDameLadyLordRevSirSister First Name * Last Name * Job Title Phone Number * Email * What is your Membership ID? * About You Qualifications * Personal Statement * Career Information * ASE Involvement (if appropriate) Leave this field blank