Post-16 Resource Collection

Welcome to the new-look ASE Post-16 resources pages. Thanks to the generous support of the Gatsby Foundation, we have been able to go through an expansive collection of older ASE-created resources and analyse them through a post-16 lens, with a particular focus on T-Levels. All of the resources you'll find below have been assessed/updated by ASE experience as having relevance to educators in a post 16-scenario. Further down the page you will find links to our journals, best-practice and practical science guides, which will also be of use to educators and institutions focusing on 16-19 education...

Satis 2.0

Updated in 2022, this growing collection of resources, specially curated by our post-16 specialists, feature fully updated versions of the classic SATIS series...

SATIS Revisited

These ASE-created resources, selected by our post-16 specialists as relevant and up-to-date, are currently stored on the STEM e-Library...

Other curated resources

Many of our partner organisations have resources suitable for post-16 education, all of which have been peer reviewed by ASE specialists...

School Science Review

School Science Review (SSR) is a themed journal for science teachers in 11-19 education, and all those concerned with this area of education...

Good Practical Science – Making it happen

Resources published by the ASE to support decision making by departments that wish to improve the effectiveness of practical science teaching...

ASE Evaluated (Green Tick) resources

As a professional association, we support our members by creating useful expert evaluations of some of the latest resources and publications on the market.

ASE Best Practice Guidance documents

This series of best practice documents - collated by the ASE's Education Committee - brings together important advice on key aspects of the teaching science. (m)