ASE Coronavirus resources: Why you'll never catch smallpox

Transport your pupils back to a time when smallpox stalked the world and introduce them to Dr Jenner, James Phipps, and the experiment that might well have saved their lives...

Through this award winning innovative set of resources, pupils aged 9 to 11 learn about the pioneering work of Dr Edward Jenner's pioneering with smallpox vaccination and the impact of vaccinations today. The central themes of the course - and initial pupil engagement - is based around the short drama film James (below).

Teachers can then deploy assets and lesson plans from four "core" resources and five "enrichment" resources, all of which have been designed to develop pupils skills in the key areas of 'working scientifically', mathematics, English, history, drama and ethics.

The resources use an immersive, cross-curricular approach to learning. Throughout the activities, children take on roles as science advisors, data analysts, journalists, historians, script writers, politicians and Dr Jenner himself. Each resource is fully linked to Learning Outcomes drawn from the relevant English National Curriculum documents.

Overview of the resources

Before investigating the resources themselves, we would advise educators read consult the Pathway Document. This powerpoint document has been designed to suggest various approaches through which certain combinations of resources on the themes explored by James can be used meet various x-curriculum outcomes:

These resources have been developed and produced by the Association for Science Education in partnership with James Films, with support from the Wellcome Trust, and we at the ASE acknowledge the support of both them and the various schools which took part in the pilot programme.

We hope you find these resources useful, and please share any comments/suggestions with us via

The Resources

Children take part in a simulation of a smallpox outbreak and also draw and analyse a graph for a real smallpox outbreak.


Children investigate the historical evidence about Edward Jenner and James Phipps using primary and secondary sources. They use these to find out...


Children explore some of the most famous paintings depicting Dr Jenner's revolutionary experiment on James Phipps. Using the concept of artistic...


An English-focused activity about the importance of characters in storytelling. Children discuss some key concepts and terminology relating to...


Children revise key learning from across the 'Why You'll Never Catch Smallpox' activities and explore how Jenner's discovery has changed the world,...


A two-part history and science activity that develops children's ability to understand and use sources to answer history and science questions...


A discussion-based activity comparing the ethics and scientific processes of Dr Jenner's work with those of modern clinical trials.


Children learn about some of the main creative and technical roles that go into making a film, and use the James film to explore some key creative...
Felix Levinson
