Secondary Resources

Welcome to ASE's secondary resources page. Through this page you will be able to access a series of key resources created by the ASE that can either be deployed in a classroom scenario or enhance your professional development. Further down the page you will find links to our journals, which you will be able to access depending on what level of ASE membership you have. Please also note that digital resources marked with an (m) are available only to ASE members. 

Classroom resources

CPD and Departmental resources

 Video resources

Classroom resources

BEST STEPS teaching resources

This diagnostic resource - created by the team behind BEST - is designed to help teachers of year 10-11 test student understanding of some key scientific concepts...

The Language of Mathematics in Science

Guidance for teachers of 11-16 science on explanations of key ideas and terminology in maths, and good practice in applying mathematical ideas in science

ABPI: Making Medicines

This large collection of resources from the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) covers a huge range of topics from enzymes, to asthma, diabetes to the history of medicine and more.

Properties of Copper

Resources on copper's properties and applications, essentiality for health, role in technology and the quality of life developed in partnership with the Copper Development Association.

Secondary link directory

A selection of education resource links - originally collated to support home learning - curated by the ASE's 11-19 committee. (m) 

Global STEM Challenges

Practical Action Schools produce FREE resources for primary and secondary teachers that help pupils understand and engage with global issues, focusing on the role of STEM and using examples from our organisation.

KS3 Active Learning resources

Available as downloadable PDFs, these curriculum-led resources have been specifically designed to enhance and consolidate pupil knowledge of a variety of topics and modules across biology, chemistry and physics as well as some general educational activities

ASE Evaluated (Green Tick) resources

As a professional association, we support our members by creating useful expert evaluations of some of the latest resources and publications on the market.

LEGO Education

LEGO®​ Education conducted a global survey of over 6,000 teachers, parents and students (across Australia, Germany, South Korea, the UK and the US) to uncover what engages, inspires, and builds confidence in students and educators. Discover how LEGO® Education keeps students engaged through hands-on, playful learning.

CPD and Departmental Resources

Principles and Big Ideas of Science Education

Discussion and conclusions about the essential understanding in science that all students should acquire during the compulsory years of school.

Good Practical Science – Making it happen

Resources published by the ASE to support decision making by departments that wish to improve the effectiveness of practical science teaching...

Curriculum Evolution

Prompt and stimulate changes in your own science department, in response to your specific situation, with this new curriculum evolution document...

Keeping teachers in teaching with Science Teacher SOS

Keeping the best science educators in teaching is the aim of our retention-focused Science Teacher SOS programme

SLSG - Health and Safety

This newly update section of our long-running Science Leaders Survival Guide shares guidance on managing health and safety issues and teaching in your department. (m)

SLSG - Finances

This newly updated section of our long-running Science Leaders Survival Guide shares guidance on departmental finance issues. (m)

SEND resources collection

This collection of resources and videos shares best guidance and advice around teaching SEND students. (m)

Science Department Scenarios

Of particular use to science leaders, this collection of documents outlines a host of real-life department scenarios and how they might be dealt with. (m)

ASE digital CPD sessions

This collection of videos features recordings of online webinars and sessions aiming to help secondary teachers improve pedagogy. (m)

School Science Review

School Science Review (SSR) is a themed journal for science teachers in 11-19 education, and all those concerned with this area of education.

ASE Best Practice Guidance documents

This series of best practice documents - collated by the ASE's Education Committee - brings together important advice on key aspects of the teaching science. (m)

ASE Scotland Online Conference 2024 - video resources

ASE Scotland Conference 2024 was a virtual conference with online videos launched on 8th June 2024 (free for members). We are now making these videos available to all ASE members. Please download the password document with access link.